Orange English Helpline : How to contact the provider in France ?
Interested in signing up to an Orange internet plan or a mobile plan? Want to change your data allowance? Have a technical issue and need to contact the provider? Whatever your query, here we take you through all the ways you can contact the Orange customer service in France, be it over the phone, online or via mail.

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Find an offer☎️ How to Contact Orange English Helpline over the Phone?
Orange has a range of phone numbers at its customers' disposal, in order to answer a wide range of requests from residential and business clients alike. You will also be able to benefit from an Orange English-speaking helpline, convenient if you still don't feel quite comfortable talking French.
The main Orange France Phone Numbers
Orange has seven main phone lines, some live and some automated.
Here is a summary of them:
Type of request | Number to dial |
Related to an Internet plan or fixed line (to activate a new French landline for example) | 3900 (+339 69 39 39 00 from abroad) for general queries, signing up or technical assistance |
3000 for the 24/7 automated service | |
Related to a phone or phone plan | 3900 (+339 69 39 39 00 from abroad) for general queries, signing up or technical assistance |
740 or 0800 100 740 for the 24/7 automated service | |
Related to a business account | 3901 (+339 69 36 39 01 from abroad) |
706 or 0825 000 706 for Smart Pro assistance |
Note that the Orange Customer Service, aside from the automated line - is open from Monday to Saturday between 8 am and 8 pm.
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💡 You have just moved to France and you need Internet?
Selectra is an energy comparator that allows you to subscribe to the best offer for you. Our service is 100% free and our advisors speak English. The callcenter is currently closed, ask for your free callback
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Orange English-speaking Customer Support
If you would rather get help in English, good news - Orange allows you do to so (and is the only French operator to date to have an English-speaking helpline). You can contact the provider's dedicated line at 09 69 36 39 00 (+33 9 69 39 39 00 when dialled from abroad).
Need help choosing the right French phone or internet contract? Our English-speaking Selectra advisors are here to help! Call us now at ☎️ 09 71 07 91 80 or get a free callback, to get assistance to find a plan with one of our partner suppliers, that will fit your needs and budget.
💻 How to Contact Orange Customer Service online ?
Feel more comfortable emitting a written request? If so, just contact Orange online. Most requests about your Orange internet offer, Orange prepaid sim cards and FAQ can be dealt with in this manner - saving you time and the need to pick up the phone.
Contacting Orange France via email
You can send an email to Orange via your Espace Client Orange. Note that you can only access this service if you are already an Orange customer. If you're a new customer or a future customer, simply start by creating an Orange account on the operator's website.
Own a smartphone? Contacting Orange will be even seamless if you download the Orange et Moi app, compatible with Android and iOs. On top of being able to manage your contract, change your plan or receive assistance, you can talk to an Orange advisor directly and find in-depth info about popular questions.
The Orange France online chat
Orange provides online chat services too. Go to the Orange website and press the orange icon at the bottom right of the screen, and press "Une question ? Demandez-moi". You can ask all your questions to the chatbot. If necessary, it will put you in touch with an Orange consultant.
Alternatively, you can go to the Communauté Orange forum, where you can leave a question, find answers to formerly asked questions, or chat with other users about a theme or query. To date, there are over 10,000 topics covered on the Orange forum, so it's more than likely that your question has already been answered on there!
Orange France on social media
To contact Orange via social media, on their Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram pages.
📧 How to Contact Orange English Helpline by mail?
The Orange Customer Service postal address
Orange has several addresses depending on the request you have. As explained below, the 3 main addresses deal separately with phone plan requests, ADSL plan requests and optical fiber requests.
For letters about a phone plan | For letters about an internet plan | For letters about fibre optic |
Orange Service Clients - Mobile 33732 Bordeaux Cedex 9 |
Orange Service Clients - Internet TSA 10018 59878 LILLE Cedex 9 |
Orange Service Clients - La Fibre TSA 90017 59878 LILLE Cedex 9 |
This said, if after the first contact, your request cannot be answered, or if you feel your request needs to be escalated to a higher level, you can address a letter to the operator's mediation authority, known as the Service National Consommateur Orange.
Make sure to send it off signed for ("par lettre recommandée") in order to be guaranteed a response.
As stated below, you need to specify whether your complaint concerns a phone or internet plan. The address is:
Service National Consommateurs Orange - (specify either "fixe", "internet" or "mobile"),33734 Bordeaux
The Orange HQ address
To contact the Orange French Headquarters, address your letter to:
78, rue Olivier de Serres,75015 Paris,
You can also call the HQ by dialling 01 44 44 22 22.
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Selectra is an energy comparator that allows you to subscribe to the best offer for you. Our service is 100% free and our advisors speak English. Please call:
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💡 You have just moved to France and you need Internet?
Selectra is an energy comparator that allows you to subscribe to the best offer for you. Our service is 100% free and our advisors speak English. The callcenter is currently closed, ask for your free callback
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